Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Birthday Visit


Ted came for a visit Sunday night and in the morning after I cleaned the restrooms Ii took the rest of the day off so that we could celebrate my birthday.  We drove down into San Jose for breakfast.  We were going to Bill’s Cafe, but it was really busy and instead we went to Cafe Borrone in Menlo Park.  It took nearly an hour to be served scrambled egg dishes.  I think we should have gone to our first choice, as the food wasn’t that memorable.


From there we checked out the location of the hospital were I will have my surgery in Redwood City.  Then we went to IKEA in Palo Alto.  I wanted to stock  up on my favorite preserves and other Swedish foods that I like.  The last errand was to stop at Walmart.  I had been trying to use up stuff in the cabinets before expiration dates.


We got back to the Park after two and swung by the Maintenance Yard to borrow a taller ladder so that Ted could fix the LED lights under the awning.  When we got there, Bruce said that we would have to get it from the Cookhouse, but that was just a ruse to get me there.



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It was a Tres Leche Cake with Mocha Whipped Cream Frosting.  It was really good and extremely rich.  That’s Danny, Ruben, Bruce and Ted.  Theresa and Angel got stuck doing other things, but came by later to wish me a Happy Birthday.  Thank you All for the Surprise Party.

IMG_3332 When we got home Ted helped bring in the groceries.  While I put them away, he decided to take a nap.  When I finished I did too. I think that I had a little too much of that cake and had to let it digest before I could do anything else.

Later that evening Ted grilled a steak and zucchini for dinner.  We also had roasted potatoes and sautéed onions and mushrooms and a glass of wine.  Yummy!!


Unfortunately he had to return home to San Francisco right after dinner  It was a wonderful day with friends and family.

                                           A few more  critter pictures.   IMG_3299 IMG_3289

                 Hummingbird                                            Acorn Woodpecker

IMG_3318 IMG_3284

                   Sows and piglets                                            Boar

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         Doe and twin fawns                                  Turkeys and almost grown babies  

IMG_0896   Dead Tarantula

It is hard to believe that it is already September, the kids are back in school, and summer is almost over.  It just flew by.  I hope that you all had a great one.

Thanks for visiting

IMG_0897 It wasn’t scary at all.

Susan and Angel