Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Little Bit Of Work, Travel, Painting and Relaxing



                                             Self Portrait in Watercolor

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                            Road trip with John and Angel to Bodega Bay.


                             Angel at the Pet Parade in Rio Vista

Then at some time I have to work to pay for my space.

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                            Fishing Derby     and      Crafts with kids and parents

IMG_2220  relaxing in new hammock

The trip to Sausalito and Marin Headlands and marine Mammal Center

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Then there was last week:

I needed to go into San Rafael to pickup my renewed Driver’s License and drop off my application for another Passport (mine expired over 10 years ago).  After that I went into Corte Madera to Mini of Marin to get a bracket for my front license plate.

As long as I was in the area I decided to check out Fort Baker on the North East side of the Golden Gate Bridge also in Sausalito.  When John and I were here, we didn’t have time to explore this part of the Marin Headlands Recreation Area.  This time I wanted to take some time and do some painting.

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Angel was checking out some seagulls.           North side of GGB.

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There is also a marina                                 and of course, Fort Baker.

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It was quite busy on the water and just a bit hazy , windsurfers, Ferries and sailboats   DSCN0547    DSCN0539

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Here’s the watercolor sketch that I did.  It was too windy and it was getting late.  I wanted to get started before rush hour. As it was it took about two hours to get home.


Finally home.  This is another possible painting of the Water Tower in Isleton about 5 miles away, where I have more artwork in a gallery.


So that’s what we’ve been doing. How about you?  I hope that you all are enjoying your Summer.

Thanks for visiting


In this extra pic, Mom is scratching just the right spot.  It feels sooooooo good. Then more relaxing!!!!!!

Susan and Angel

1 comment:

  1. Love the painting of the GGB! We leave here a week from Monday, can't wait to get moving..
