I have a tapestry that I really like. It gave me an idea as to what I will call my Rig.

My rig is
Here it is another week has gone by. Most everything is gone from the old residence. I won’t be able to take care of it tomorrow because I won’t have the truck.
When I bought the truck, there were several things that had to be fixed. There are some dings and little cracks in the windshield, so it needs to be replaced. The tail light has to be fixed too. Ted says that most of the Dodges taillights fail when the overheat. He has already done his three times, I believe they will also be detailing the truck so that it will be easier to maintain. They can also give me a quote to do the 5’er. Last Tuesday we had quite a bit of rain. When I came out of work, it was pouring and when I got into the truck it was raining inside. Well, not really raining, but dripping, so that will be fixed too. I will bring the truck in to Folsom Lake Dodge for a 9:00 am appointment on Friday. They will have the truck for the whole day. They have a shuttle and will take me home and pick me up to bring me back to the dealer’s service center.
There is plenty for me to do at home. I have two more crates of papers to sort through and purge. More sorting! Now, how many years of tax records do I need to keep?
One of the residents has to leave and can’t take his plants, so I now have more containers on my patio. I hope that I can keep them alive, because I tend to kill plants, even silk plants.

I have Corian Countertops in the kitchen. One of them has a crack in it, about 6“ long. Has anyone had that experience, how did you take care of it and was it really expensive? I want to get it fixed before I get out on the road and it gets worse.

When I called about getting it fixed, they quoted a price of $550.00/$700.00. He also told me that one of the most common reasons for the countertop to crack is when something hot is put directly on it. A footed trivet should always be used, so that there is air between the hot surface and the counter. The reason it is so expensive is because of the way that is repaired to make as if it were new.
Well the truck is detailed, the windshield is replaced, taillight is fixed and the leak fixed. Three out of five of the marker lights on the cab roof have been replaced, the other two have been ordered. As it turned out, they supplied a rental car instead of the shuttle. I just came home and went through two more crates of papers and tossed a whole lot. That’s about all that happened to day, boring put productive.
One of the residents here in the park are moving down to Manteca, CA, closer to his job. Last week Carmen showed me the best way to light my oven, so I thought that I would bake them some muffins as a parting gift. I sort of tagged along behind Rick watching how he got ready to move out. I figure that the more I observe before I have to do it, the more that I will know what every thing is and how it works. Thank you Carmen and Rick. I hope that you enjoy your new address.
Shortly after they left, Glen, one of my other neighbors helped me move a 5’x6’ shed over to my site. He has a couple of furniture dollies that we used. All of a sudden it was moving along really fast, John, another neighbor jumped in to help. It only took 15 or 20 minutes to get it moved and set up on some existing pallets, Thank you both, I couldn’t have done it without you. More muffins went out in payment. Now I have to get over to the old place to move the rest.

By the time I was able to get over to move the rest, it was hot. Fortunately , my former neighbor, Lily helped me load up the truck. Thank you Lily! While loading the truck, I thought, oh my, I don’t think that all this will fit in the storage. Before I put everything in the shed I used some dryer sheets and some expanding foam. Hopefully that will keep out the critters. when I put the STUFF in the shed, lo and behold, it fit with plenty of room to spare. There is just a little bit left and I plan on getting that early tomorrow before it gets too hot.
Today was pretty much uninteresting. On my way to church I dumped about 40 or more pounds of papers and other things in the recycle dumpster. On the way home, I stopped to do laundry. I sure miss having my own. I plan on getting one installed after I get a hitch and can take the 5’er to have it installed. The rest of the day has been quiet and hot. I actually broke down and turned on the A/C, but I keep the temp high.
Last night, I did have a bit of problem with connecting with the internet. I was able to get it back on after I unplugged the modem and plugged it in again, then rebooted the laptop. I think that it must have gotten overheated.
Enough for today! Tomorrow is the holiday. Other than what I do in the morning, I have no idea what I will do to celebrate. I hope that you all have a great day celebrating our independence.

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Susan and Angel http://whatsupwithsusanandcompany.blogspot.com/