Sunday, July 25, 2010

Busy Day, church, yard,dinner and pirate’s booty

The day started like a usual Sunday, Went to church as usual and made plans to do something later in the day with one of the Helens and Amanda who is visiting her grandpa for the summer.

When I got home I actually worked out in the yard.  In yesterday’s blog I said “not” on the grass mowing,  but I lied, I actually did both the laundry and mowed the grass. It really isn’t a lot, 15’x15’ in the back and 7’x20’ in the front.  It only took about a half hour. It had cooled off, so it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.


After church I got the weedeater out and cleaned up a lot of over grown vines and grass.DSCF0004

There’s Angel soaking up the sun.  I had just finished and was taking a break when I hear Angel’s low growl and then barking.  She’s such a good watch dog!  It was Darrell (from work) and his brother to pick up the two chairs and the ottoman too. YEA!  more stuff gone.

I cleaned up and left to pick up Helen and Amanda.  We had dinner at Rubio’s, same place that I had lunch with Linda last Thursday.  This time I remembered to take pictures. I had the same thing, side salad with shrimp, still very good.DSCF0006

Helen had Fish Tacos and Beans, and Amanda had the Baja Chicken Burrito.  They both enjoyed their dinners.


We had  good time and enjoyed catching up with Amanda.  She will be moving to NC in a couple of weeks.  She will be a senior, hopefully she will be able to visit next summer after she graduates but before she either works or goes to college.

We dropped Helen off at home and Amanda came home with me to see if there were any craft or art things she might like.  She found several things that she would like including some watercolor paints, brushes and paper along with some cards and stationary that I made.   Then we raided my closet and she now has some “new to her” clothes.  Here’s a picture of her with her Pirate’s Booty.


And again, YEA! more stuff gone.   A big thank you to both Darrell and Amanda.

That’s it for my very busy (for me) day.  Oh yes, BTW, this blog was done on Live Writer.  It is sooooooooo much easier.  Thank you Ted for holding my hand and curser, and everyone else  that has give me so much help and encouragement.

Thanks for visiting

Susan and Angel


  1. Isn't it a good feeling to get rid of little bit at a time!?

  2. Great to see that you conquered putting the pictures where you want them. You go, girl! :)
