Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Little of This, A Little of That.


Yesterday, Ruby came over to check on Li’l  Miss Angel, so I thought that you might connect the face to the note written in the last blog.  Ruby is always there to help whenever possible.  Thank you Ruby.

There was a trip into Uvalde to the Ace Hardware for some materials for a project.  I have been trying to figure out a type closure for the opening in the kitchen, as it is too wide for any “baby” gate that is out there,  I have been using a folding table on it’s side.  It works, but it is heavy and isn’t the best looking thing either.  I have come up with an idea that I am working on, but will wait to see if it works before posting a picture. This is where I have Angel stay when I am gone all day, that’s so that she won’t be barking at whatever she sees, as she is usually in a window watching the world go by.

While there I filled up a water bottle my truck at WalMart.  I will be heading to the RV- Dreams Rally just North of Kerrville on Friday.

Later in the evening, Evelyn, my sister stopped by to get her car.  Her neighbor, Chris, picked her up from the hospital in San Antonio.  As far as she knows her test went well.

Today I worked at the VC (Visitors’ Center).  It was a very slow day, just a few people wanting directions and just “looking”. 


I visited with Ranger Frank, who is the “Interpretive Ranger”.   He helped me identify the butterfly that I posted about a while back.  We believe it is an Angle Winged Butterfly.  While we were talking, we heard on the Park Radio that there was another emergency up on one of the trails.  It seems that a women broke her ankle while hiking up to one of the caves.  That’s one of the reasons that I won’t hike any of the more difficult trails when I am alone.

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since there wasn’t much to do, I of course had to check on the barn swallows.  Here mom and dad are waiting for me to leave.  You can see the babies sticking their heads up waiting for a meal. If you click on the right on, you can just barely see a beak.  I’m not sure how many babies there are.

After work I went to Headquarters to check my mail, no packet from Gate Guard Services yet.

I guess that I will get this posted, as I will be leaving early in the morning for the Rally.


  1. Neat to be able to check on the "little ones" like that, isn't it? Glad you're having a good day there. Hope your search for a better paying position works out well for you. Give Angel a hug from me!

  2. Say hello to everyone from us! Sorry we're missing this year's rally :(
